HBGA, which has its primary and secondary payment agency PG as an affiliate
Eversuders (members) can recharge it with confidence
Through the HBPAY payment service, you can pay
HBPAY Affiliate Affiliate and HBGA+M Online Mall,
In the HB Tour travel platform, it is necessary for medical, food, and alcohol
Everything provides a service that can be consumed
It is a third-generation integrated platform company.

HBGA catchphrase
"Play becomes income, income becomes culture."

Ambassador (member) and the company are striving to grow together through continuous mutual communication.
Companies, consumers, and producers can co-exist together
Please be the Ambassador of HBGA!

Thank you.

HBGA executives and employees

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HB PAY Company introduction 


It is a platform company with primary and secondary PG companies as affiliates, and it is a third-generation "integrated platform" company that provides opportunities to consume everything needed for medicine, food, and alcohol in HBPAY affiliated stores, HBGAM online malls, and HB tours through HBPAY payment services that allow Ambassador (members) to charge and pay with confidence.

Under the catchphrase of "Play becomes income, income becomes culture," it is a "good company" in which Ambassador (members) and the company strive to grow together through continuous mutual communication.

Companies, consumers, and producers can co-exist together
Please be HBPAY Ambassador!

Thank you.

HB PAY Employees and employees